Grattis världens finaste och underbaraste Justin Drew Bieber på 18 års dagen, jag älskar dig, ♥
Har suttit och gjort klippet halva kvällen, men nu äre färdigt.

Justin, I wanna thank you for this years of your life that you've shared with me, and the res t of this world. I can promise you that we're all so thankfull to you. I wish I knew the words to expalin to you how happy I am because of that. And Justin, I am soo proud of you, you've come so far in just 5 years, you've done so much, grown so much and helped so much.
And now, you're turning 18, it's time to be an adult, or maybe not yet.. you'll forever be Kidrauhl, the guy with the hairflip, the guy who loves hockey and the guy with that gorgeous face. But you won't ever be 14,15,16 or 17, you're growing up, just like everyone else's doing.
One day you'll get kids, get married and get a wonderful family. And when you're at 80 I'll be there, sitting in my wheelchair and joking with you, having so much fun, we gonna be best friends ;) haha.
But back to reality now.
Everyone is so damn proud of you, even the haterz, I promise, even thought the doesn't admit it. They are, we are, everyone are.
And, I just wish I knew a way to tell you how proud I am, how much I love you and how much you've helped me through this passed 2 years. Without you, i wouldn't be who I am today. I have alot to thank you for. And believe me when I say this, : If I could I would. But there is no words that ever possible could describe it. There just isn't.
I hope that you're next 18 years, and your whole life will be everything you want it to and everything you've ever dream of. I pray to God everyday for that. I pray for you.
I love you, and I will always stay here, by your side, and love you and support you, forever&always.
So there is just this one thing left to do, congratulations Justin on you're 18th birthday!